A character I created in high…

grownostr Apr 19, 2024

A character I created in high school.

Rough drawing just messing around with the TWSBI. I haven't done pen doodling in a long time so I'm rusty.

I used to do this all the time, including marker drawings and portraits. Might pick that stuff up again just to have something to do other than woodworking and photography.

I'm definitely enjoying the fountain pens.

#grownostr #plebchain #penstr #fountainpens


The Pentographer⚡️

⛪ Follower of Christ 📸 Photographer 💻 Digital Educator ⛏️ Home Miner 👨‍👧 Father 🛠 Handyman 🇨🇦 Anti-Communist 🖋 Fountain Pens ₿ Bitcoin Only ...... The value of a memory only goes up over time. #photography #fountainpens #photostr #penstr