I picked up a set of…

grownostr May 17, 2024

I picked up a set of these A5 dotted pads for my smaller daily letters to my wife while I'm working days. They allow us to connect a bit more and I can get my thoughts out more completely. I can also share with her everything that I'm grateful for in our marriage which I'm not great at vocalizing as often as I should.

These Rhodia pads are awesome for that.

#grownostr #plebchain #penstr #fountainpens


The Pentographer⚡️

⛪ Follower of Christ 📸 Photographer 💻 Digital Educator ⛏️ Home Miner 👨‍👧 Father 🛠 Handyman 🇨🇦 Anti-Communist 🖋 Fountain Pens ₿ Bitcoin Only ...... The value of a memory only goes up over time. #photography #fountainpens #photostr #penstr